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77w Flight

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N965UW wrote:Most, if not all airlines have lavs and/or galleys between the first set of doors and the flight deck. (QR has both, as shown on their 77W seat maps.) Also worth noting that the 777 fuselage tapers aggressively in this region. Flight status, tracking, and historical data for Turkish Airlines 77 (TK77/THY77) including scheduled, estimated, and actual departure and arrival times. ANA Official Website ボーイング777-300ER (77W). Information about airport and in-flight services. Plan for your travel with ANA Website. Jan 16, 2021 N965UW wrote:Most, if not all airlines have lavs and/or galleys between the first set of doors and the flight deck. (QR has both, as shown on their 77W seat maps.) Also worth noting that the 777 fuselage tapers aggressively in this region.

There are 8 First Class, 52 Business Class, 24 Premium Economy, and 180 Economy Class seats. Seat rows are numbered from 1 to 42.

Emergency exits are located on both sides at the front of the cabin, both sides behind row 6, both sides behind row 17, both sides in front of row 30, and both sides at the back of the cabin.

First Class seats are in rows 1 and 2.

The seat layout from left to right is A, aisle, D, G, aisle, K.

These seats come with a table at the front.

77w Flight

Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats.


Business Class seats are in rows 5 to 17.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 is A, aisle, D, F, aisle, H.

These seats come with a table on the right.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 is C, aisle, E, G, aisle, K.

These seats come with a table on the left. Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats.

Premium Economy seats are in rows 18 to 20.

The seat layout from left to right is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H, K.

Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats.

Economy Class seats are in rows 24 to 42.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 24 to 38 is A, B, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H, J, K.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 39 to 41 is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H, K. The seat layout from left to right for row 42 is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G. Seats 30A, B, C, H, J, and K are emergency exit row seats.

77w Flight

Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats.

Business Class seats are in rows 5 to 17.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 is A, aisle, D, F, aisle, H.

These seats come with a table on the right.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 is C, aisle, E, G, aisle, K.

These seats come with a table on the left. Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats.

Premium Economy seats are in rows 18 to 20.

The seat layout from left to right is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H, K.

Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats.

Economy Class seats are in rows 24 to 42.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 24 to 38 is A, B, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H, J, K.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 39 to 41 is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H, K. The seat layout from left to right for row 42 is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G. Seats 30A, B, C, H, J, and K are emergency exit row seats.

Armrests are non-movable for all seats in rows 24 and 30 and seats 38A, B, C, H, J, and K. Seats 30A and 30K do not have a window.

Monitors are installed in front of rows 24 and 30.

A wheelchair-accessible lavatory is located behind seats 29A, B, and C.

Lavatories equipped with a multi-function bidet and diaper changing table are located in front of seats 1D and 1G, behind seat 6C, behind seat 6K, behind seat 17A, and behind seat 17H.

Nh 77w Flight Status

Lavatories equipped with a diaper changing table are located behind seats 29H, J, and K, and behind seats 42F and 42G.

A lavatory equipped with a multi-function bidet is located in front of seat 1A.

Lavatories are located behind seats 41H and 41K and behind seats 42A and 42C.

Anger Management Bingo Cards to Download, Print and Customize!. Galleys are located at the front of the cabin, behind row 6, behind row 29, in front of row 30, and at the back of the cabin.

Etihad Airways 77w Flight Seat Map

A bar is located behind row 17.

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